Effects of process parameters on cutting forces, material removal rate, and specific energy in trochoidal milling

Mohamed Wagih, Mohsen A. Hassan, Hassan El-Hofy, Jiwang Yan, Ibrahem Maher

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Trochoidal milling has been developed to enhance tool life during slot machining. It is characterized by reduced cutting forces, cutting temperature, and tool wear as compared to conventional milling processes. It is effective in machining difficult-to-cut materials, high-speed machining, and groove corners. However, this process has not been deeply investigated enough to discover its advantages and optimize its parameters. A full factorial design of 144 experiments has been applied in this paper to investigate extensively the effects of axial depth of cut, feed rate, and trochoidal step on material removal rate, cutting forces, and specific energy in trochoidal milling. Trochoidal step and axial depth of cut almost have the same contributions on cutting forces by 32% and 31% respectively, followed by feed rate by 25%. Feed rate, trochoidal step, and axial depth of cut influence the material removal rate by 37%, 30%, and by 19% respectively. The contributions of feed rate, trochoidal step, and axial depth of cut on relative specific energy are 57%, 24%, and 8% respectively. The increase of axial depth of cut increases the maximum resultant force till a threshold value, then it stabilizes. This behavior occurred due to the increase of the maximum engagement angle to a certain limit, then it does not increase any more. Both feed rate and trochoidal step linear affect maximum resultant force and material removal rate, while the relationships are non-linear for specific energy. It is recommended to machine slots in full depth with the highest possible trochoidal step and feed rate, considering the increase of tool wear and surface roughness. It is preferred to use a cutting tool of a large helix angle and small diameter to reduce the threshold axial depth of cut. Overall, this study is significant in characterizing, designing, and optimizing of trochoidal milling through experimental work.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2745-2757
Number of pages13
JournalProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2024 Apr


  • Trochoidal milling
  • cutting forces
  • material removal rate
  • specific energy

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Mechanical Engineering


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