The influence of seated postures and anthropometry on lap belt fit in vehicle occupants: A 3D computed tomography study

Yoshihiko Tanaka, Houtatsu Shu, Yuqing Zhao, Koji Mizuno, Minoru Yamada, Yoichi Yokoyama, Yoshitake Yamada, Masahiro Jinzaki

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Objective: In vehicle frontal collisions, it is crucial that the lap belt is designed to engage with the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) of occupants for a reliable restraint. This study aims to understand the influence of different seated postures on the geometrical relationship of the seat belt and the pelvis for various occupants using 3D upright and supine computed tomography (CT) systems. Methods: The 3D shapes of bones and soft tissues around the pelvis were acquired through a CT scan for 30 participants. They were seated in a rigid seat equipped with a lap belt simulating the front seat of a small car, and wore a lap belt in three seated postures: upright, slouched and reclined. Parameters related to the likelihood of submarining occurrences, such as belt-ASIS overlap (an index for assessing the potential engagement of the lap belt with the ASIS) and the belt-pelvis angle (the difference between the belt angle and the normal direction of the anterior edge of the ilium) were compared. Results: It was observed that the pelvis angle tilted rearward as the hip point was positioned forward and seatback angle increased. This can be seen in the slouched and reclined posture. The belt-pelvis angle was comparable between the slouched and the reclined postures, and was closer to zero (indicating that the lap belt path is closer to perpendicular to the anterior edge of the ilium) compared to the upright posture. In contrast, the belt-ASIS overlap increased with an increasing flesh margin of the ASIS and shallower belt angle. This suggests that the belt-pelvis angle is influenced by the seated posture whereas the belt-ASIS overlap is dependent more on an individual’s anthropometry. The plot of belt-pelvis angle and belt-ASIS overlap exhibited significant variability among participants. Conclusions: The belt-pelvis angle and the belt-ASIS overlap of individuals will provide valuable information for understanding the current belt-fit location and predicting submarining occurrences for individuals in various postures when designing restraint systems.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)454-462
Number of pages9
JournalTraffic Injury Prevention
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Occupant protection
  • computed tomography
  • lap belt fit
  • seat belt

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Safety Research
  • Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health


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