Flaming, balkanization, and "Burning-up": The modern bandits haunting the Internet

研究成果: Conference contribution


In this article, the author tries to examine phenomena called "Enjou" (burning-up) in Japanese, in which certain blogs or bulletin boards are attacked by anonymous mobs with criticism and insults The author then examines the difference of these phenomena from other previous troubles, and suggests that the cause may somewhat from certain characteristics of Japanese internet, especially high anonymity. The author, however, points out that not all anonymity is bad. and it could be useful to classify the objectors into 4 categories. As a result, the author suggests that a self-reinforcing spiral between "Bad Guys" is responsible to these problematic phenomena and we should continue to examine the process.

ホスト出版物のタイトルEISTA 2006 - 4th Int. Conf. on Education and Information Systems
ホスト出版物のサブタイトルTechnologies and Applications, Jointly with SOIC 2006 - 2nd Int. Conf. on SOIC and PISTA 2006 - 4th Int. Conf. on PISTA, Proceedings
出版社International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, IIIS
ISBN(印刷版)9806560809, 9789806560802
出版ステータスPublished - 2006 1月 1
イベント4th Int. Conf. on Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications, EISTA 2006, Jointly with the 2nd Int. Conf. on Social and Organizational Informatics and Cybernetics, SOIC 2006 and 4th Int. Conf. on PISTA 2006 - Orlando, FL, United States
継続期間: 2006 7月 202006 7月 23


名前EISTA 2006 - 4th Int. Conf. on Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications, Jointly with SOIC 2006 - 2nd Int. Conf. on SOIC and PISTA 2006 - 4th Int. Conf. on PISTA, Proceedings


Other4th Int. Conf. on Education and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications, EISTA 2006, Jointly with the 2nd Int. Conf. on Social and Organizational Informatics and Cybernetics, SOIC 2006 and 4th Int. Conf. on PISTA 2006
国/地域United States
CityOrlando, FL

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 情報システム
  • 教育


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