Lipase-catalyzed selective transformation of polycaprolactone into cyclic dicaprolactone and its repolymerization in supercritical carbon dioxide

Reiko Kondo, Kazunobu Toshima, Shuichi Matsumura

研究成果: Article査読


The lipase-catalyzed selective transformation of poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) into dicaprolactone (DCL: 1,8-dioxacyclotetradecane-2,9-dione) and the repolymerization of DCL in supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) were carried out for the establishment of a sustainable green polymer chemistry for PCL. PCL with a number-average molecular weight of Mn= 110 000 was selectively transformed into repolymerizable cyclic DCL in 90% yield using immobilized Candida antarctica lipase (lipase CA) in scCO2 fluid by compression to 18 MPa in the presence of a small amount of water at 40°C. The DCL obtained such was readily polymerized by lipase CA in scCO2 to produce a PCL with an Mn of 33 000 after 6 h.

ジャーナルMacromolecular Chemistry and Physics
出版ステータスPublished - 2002 8月 30

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 凝縮系物理学
  • 物理化学および理論化学
  • ポリマーおよびプラスチック
  • 有機化学
  • 材料化学


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