Surgical strategy for abdominal aortic aneurysm with concurrent symptomatic malignancy

Kenji Matsumoto, Makoto Nakamaru, Hideaki Obara, Shinobu Hayashi, Hirohisa Harada, Masaki Kitajima, Nozomu Shirasugi, Katsuhiko Nouga

研究成果: Article査読

28 被引用数 (Scopus)


In an attempt to improve the guidelines for concurrent management of concomitant abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) and symptomatic malignancy, a retrospective study was undertaken. A total of 186 AAA repairs were performed electively, and 25 patients (13.4%) had concurrent symptomatic malignancy from April 1986 to March 1997. Fourteen patients underwent a one-stage operation, including five abdominoperineal rectal resections, four subtotal gastrectomies, three total gastrectomies, and two right hemicolectomies. Eleven others underwent a two-stage operation, including four with total gastrectomy and left hemicolectomy followed by AAA repair, as well as two with right hemicolectomy and one with left hemicolectomy prior to AAA repair. There were no operative deaths or severe postoperative complications. Of the 25 patients, 22 (88.0%) are still alive during follow-up ranging from 8 months to 11 years. Our surgical approach to both lesions is as follows: (1) Using the transperitoneal approach alone, subtotal gastrectomy and abdominoperineal rectal resection can be safely done simultaneously. (2) Although total gastrectomy can also be performed concurrently, the approach used for each lesion is separate. (3) Colorectal resection is generally done separately. However, a one-stage operation can be performed using the thromboexclusion procedure for AAA repair in patients with right-sided colonic cancer or a temporary transverse colostomy for left-sided colorectal cancer.

ジャーナルWorld Journal of Surgery
出版ステータスPublished - 1999 3月

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 外科


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