Uptake of cadmium in meals from the digestive tract of young non-smoking Japanese female volunteers

Yuriko Kikuchi, Tetsuo Nomiyama, Nami Kumagai, Fumiko Dekio, Takamoto Uemura, Toru Takebayashi, Yuji Nishiwaki, Yukio Matsumoto, Yuri Sano, Kanae Hosoda, Shaw Watanabe, Haruhiko Sakurai, Kazuyuki Omae

研究成果: Article査読

44 被引用数 (Scopus)


Objectives - To estimate rates of cadmium (Cd) uptake from the digestive tract and changes in Cd in biological specimens after intake of Cd mainly in rice. Methods - Twenty-five young non-smoking Japanese female volunteers (20-23 in age) were recruited and a 20-d experimental study was conducted. With polished rice containing 0.004 ppm and 0.340 ppm of Cd, Meal L and Meal H were prepared. Approximately 12% of total Cd in Meal L and 92% of total Cd in Meal H originated in rice. The volunteers ate Meal L for 11 d to achieve a stable intake-output balance of Cd. Fifteen of the 25 volunteers ate Meal H on the 12th day (Group D1), and the remaining 10 ate Meal H on the 12th, 13th and 14th day (Group D3). All 25 subjects then resumed the consumption of Meal L to the end of the study (20th day). All meals, feces and urine were collected during the study, and Cd intake from the daily meals (Cd-I), Cd in feces (Cd-F) and Cd in urine (Cd-U) were determined. For measurement of Cd in blood (Cd-B), venous blood was collected from all volunteers on the day before the study and again on the 12th and 20th day; venous blood was also collected from 4-8 volunteers at additional time points. Results - Mean Cd-I was 4.51 μg/d (range: 1.85-6.93) or 48.48 μg/d (range: 27.98-56.27) when they ate Meal L or Meal H. Cd-F and Cd-B exhibited faster responses to the change in Cd-I than did Cd-U. The Cduptake rate, defined as (1-Cd-Fexcess/Cd-Iexcess) (Fig. 1), was 47.2% (range: -9.4-83.3%) in Group D1 and 36.6% (range: -9.2-73.5%) in Group D3, and the Cdbalance rate, defined as (1-Cd-Foutput/Cd-Iintake), was 23.9% (range: -4.0-37.7%) in Group D1 and 23.7% (range: -8.2-56.9%) in Group D3. Conclusions - Cd-F and Cd-B are better biological monitoring parameters for assessing change in Cd-I than Cd-U. The Cduptake and Cdbalance rates appeared to be higher than those in previous papers when ingested Cd mainly originated in rice.

ジャーナルJournal of occupational health
出版ステータスPublished - 2003 1月

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • 公衆衛生学、環境および労働衛生


「Uptake of cadmium in meals from the digestive tract of young non-smoking Japanese female volunteers」の研究トピックを掘り下げます。これらがまとまってユニークなフィンガープリントを構成します。
